Liquid Waste Bins

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Jerry cans, cisterns, tubs and drums in plastic or metal for hazardous and non-hazardous liquid waste

Foto: CSA Distribuzione & Eco-tecnologie
CONTENITORI PER RIFIUTI LIQUIDI/CSA distribuzione | Contenitori per rifiuti liquidi As with any type of solid waste, liquid waste also has its containers regardless of whether they are hazardous or non-hazardous.
There are many types of containers, and they vary in size, shape and construction material based on the nature of the waste to be treated, its danger, the quantity produced and the type of transport to the disposal centres.
Often, they are ideal products for temporary storage before being transferred and certified according to the standards of use, nature and danger of liquid waste for a continuous and constant increase in sustainable development.

Jerry cans hdpe


Drums for liquid waste

Plastic tanks Hdpe

Iron tanks

Cylindrical tank

Containers for liquid waste, the right solution for every need!

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