How Ballistic Separator works?
A ballistic separator or exploits the differences in the density of the materials, the waste to be treated which is loaded into a special hopper then taken in small quantities by a rotating device which imposes a strong acceleration by projecting it above the mouths of various hoppers located at the base of a closed room. The classification of the components takes place on the basis of the distance reached by each of them following the launch: the lighter materials travel a shorter distance, while the heavier ones follow longer trajectories.
The ballistic separator, ballistic dividers or ballistic sorter exploits the differences in elasticity between the components of the treated material and uses a high-speed conveyor and throws the waste against an elastic wall made up of a rubber-coated disc and rotating in a plane orthogonal to the direction of launch, following the impact with the surface of the disc, the components of waste rebound following different trajectories depending on their elasticity, in this way they are separated and collected in different compartments located at the base of this structure.
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